Spain emerges as a premier destination for Wellness and Health Tourism

25 de June de 2024

• Spain is experiencing a surge in health tourism, consolidating its position as a sought-after destination for individuals seeking world-class medical treatments amidst attractive landscapes.

• HM Hospitales has recently invested in the South of Spain with the first newly built private hospital in Vélez (Malaga).

Recent statistics highlight a significant uptick in health tourism to Spain, with a notable increase in the number of individuals seeking medical treatments and wellness services. This growth underscores Spain’s growing reputation as a hub for high-quality healthcare combined with a unique blend of cultural richness and natural beauty.

Spain boasts a comprehensive network of cutting-edge health centers, equipped with the latest medical technology, state-of-the-art facilities and staffed by renowned medical professionals. From modern hospitals to specialized wellness resorts, visitors can access a diverse range of healthcare services tailored to meet various medical needs.

Among the array of treatments attracting health tourists to Spain, some of the most common and popular include:

Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery: Renowned for its skilled surgeons and advanced techniques, Spain has become a preferred destination for individuals seeking cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. HM Hospitales in Madrid, Galicia and Barcelona offer these services.

Dental Procedures: Spain has emerged as a hub for dental tourism, offering high-quality dental services at competitive prices at HM Hospitales in Madrid, Barcelona, Galicia, Toledo, León and Málaga.

Orthopedic Treatments: Renowned orthopedic specialists and state-of-the-art facilities make Spain a favored destination for individuals seeking orthopedic procedures, including joint replacements and sports injury treatments.

Fertility Treatments: Spain is gaining recognition for its advanced fertility treatments, with specialized clinics like HM Fertility Center in Monteprincipie, Puerta del Sur, Vallés y Velázquez (Madrid), HM Toledo or HM Belén in Galicia providing cutting-edge solutions for those seeking family planning assistance.

Parkinson Innovative Treatments: The AC HM CINAC Madrid Comprehensive Neuroscience Center, located at the HM Puerta del Sur University Hospital in Móstoles and directed by Dr. José A. Obeso, has become the world reference center in the low invasive therapeutic approach to Parkinson’s disease using high-intensity ultrasound (HIFU).

The Spanish government has played a pivotal role in fostering the growth of health tourism. Proactive measures, including streamlined visa processes and collaborations with international healthcare providers like HM Hospitales, aim to make Spain an accessible and attractive destination for individuals seeking world-class medical care.

With the continued investment in healthcare infrastructure, collaborations, and advancements in medical technology, Spain is positioned as a global leader in health tourism. HM Hospitales has recently invested in the South of Spain with the first newly built private hospital in Vélez (Malaga), adding value to its portfolio of five hospitals in Andalusia – HM Málaga, Hospital CHIP, Hospital Dr. Gálvez, Clínica El Pilar y Hospital Santa Elena. The nation’s commitment to providing a holistic experience, combining medical expertise with cultural richness, ensures that health tourists receive not only exceptional care but also an opportunity to explore the beauty and heritage of Spain.